The International Union of Architects (UIA), is a non-governmental organisation, a global federation of national associations of architects, that are its members.
The UIA’s goal is to unite the architects of the world without any form of discrimination. From the 27 delegations present at the founding assembly in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1948, the UIA has grown to encompass the key professional organisations of architects in 124 countries and territories, and now represents, through these organisations, close to one million three hundred thousand architects worldwide.
The UIA is dedicated to advancing and promoting the profession and reinforcing global architectural quality, through the efforts of specialists from around the world working within three commissions dedicated to:
Architectural Education
The purpose of the Education Commission and Validation System is :
to advance the quality and access to high quality education globally, leading to higher quality architecture for the public good, and increased transportability of architectural education across borders.
acts as UIA think-tank for Architectural Education topics, reflecting and proposing guidelines, documents, proposals and opinions related to Education.
The UNESCO-UIA Charter on architectural education elaborated in 1996,
lays out a series of guidelines aimed at ensuring that young architects are capable of meeting the professional, social and cultural challenges of the modern world.
Professional Practice
The PPC is the author and proponent of sustaining and implementing “The UIA Accord on International Standards of Professionalism in Architectural Practice” (the “Accord”)
Adopted by the UIA General Assembly in Beijing, PR China in 1999 the “Accord” contains 18 policy statements and 14 fully developed guidelines regarding those policies. The commission continuously reviews the current relevance of the standards of practice, and develops new documents that are reviewed and adopted by the UIA Council on a regular basis. The updated document is adopted by the UIA General Assembly at the conclusion of each Triennium.
The Accord is intended to be a guide available to member section professionals and utilization by governments and lawmakers in the promotion of the global mobility of architects.
International Competitions
Through its advisory role, the International Union of Architects guarantees the exemplariness of international competitions such as those that led to the construction of contemporary landmark buildings like the Sydney Opera House, Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Tokyo International Forum, and the Alexandria Library in Egypt.
The Africa Union of Architects was inaugurated in Nigeria in 1981 to unite architects from all over the continent regardless of nationality, race, religion or doctrine, and to federate their national organizations.
Initially the AUA was made up of delegations from 23 countries. Today, it regroups the key professional organizations in 27 countries, thereby representing nearly 35,000 architects across the continent.
In parallel with the development of major intergovernmental institutions with which it maintains close relations, the AUA has become an accomplished non governmental organization and an incomparable professional network of architects.